How to import bvh files (3ds max character studio)
Open a new scene, and create a Biped. You don't have to resize bones.
Select [Load Motion Capture File] in the Biped motion capture tool.
Select [Biovision file (*.BVH)] in [Files of type], then open your bvh file.
The number of keys can be decreased in [Motion Capture Conversion Parameter] dialog. Click [OK] without changing default settings. Save this animation as a .BIP file.
Now, open a new 3ds max scene. Select the Biped, and access the Biped motion capture tool. Then load a .BIP file. How to import c3d files into MotionBuilder
1. Start MotionBuilder. Select [File]->[Import].
2. In [Import Files] dialog, choose your c3d file.
3. [Import Options] window will be opened. Configure options as shown below.
4. Without any errors, markers will appear in the viewer window.
5. That's it. |